Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring again!

Yes! Finally! Hello flip flops, ice cream and going outside without a jacket on!

I don't know about you, but I just love spring. Don't get me wrong, winter can be fun too, but I'm more of a summer type ^^ And spring means that summer is not that far away anymore! The feeling of the sun on your face and seeing flowers bloom just makes me really happy.

And to celebrate that it's spring again, here are some pictures that will definitely make you feel happy as well :)

Yummie! I looove ice cream ^^

I can't wait to wear skirts again!

Wouldn't you just love to be on a beach like this one?

I can finally wear my sunglasses again!

Don't these flowers look pretty?

And it's time for cute little lambs!

I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the sun!

Pictures are from

Monday, March 19, 2012



I've got not much to do today, so I thought, why not start a blog? Let me introduce myself.

My name is Sylvia, and I'm a 17 year old girl from the Netherlands. In 2011, I finished high school, and I started my study at the university of Leiden in september. Unfortunately, I failed one class, so I had to roll out (because of this weird system at our university). Until coming September, I've got nothing to do, and when the new school year starts, I'm going to try again!

But what did I study, you may ask. Well, I studied Japanstudies. Most people don't understand why I chose something like that, but you see, I am OBSESSED by everything Japanese and Korean. And by OBSESSED I mean REALLY OBSESSED. I listen Japanese and Korean music, watch Japanese and Korean drama's, anime, read manga, and I'm really interested in Japanese fashion. And it may sound weird, but it is my dream to live in Japan or Korea one day ^^

What else can I tell you? I am one of those persons who likes a lot of things, but doesn't really stand out in one :P. Over the years I have tried playing guitar, dancing, horse riding, skateboarding, drawing and many, many more things. At the moment I am into make-up (which I have been for a couple of years now, so it seems as if I've found something that is not just a phase!), and that's why I started following a make-up course about a week ago.

I'm not really sure yet what I want to do with this blog, but I guess time will show.

It is really sunny today, so I'm gonna go outside and enjoy the lovely weather!

I hope you have a nice day!