Monday, April 30, 2012

Queensday look

Today it's the 30th of April, and that means Queensday!

Every year, on the 30th of April, we celebrate Queensday in the Netherlands. There is always lots to do, a lot of flea markets and festivals (if you want to read more about it, check out this site). I normally don't really celebrate Queensday, it just wasn't really my thing, but this year, I decided to go to Amsterdam with my best friend!

Queensday is always a good excuse to go really over the top with your looks. The crazier the better! And this is what I wore today:

An orange T-shirt - I had to have it, because it has Hello Kitty on it n_n
Crazy sunglasses, and just some skinny jeans and sneakers
I went a bit crazy with my make-up... I made my hair orange with this, and put some orange glitters in it as well
I painted the Dutch flag on my nails

 I put on orange lipstick
I drew a Dutch flag on my cheeks

And I made the Dutch flag on my eyes using eyeshadow (but I don't have any pictures of that, they are too crappy > <)

Bye <3

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